Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Something Inspiring

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams...

This inspirational quote means that our dreams are very important to us. If you do not have dreams, then you are not going to get anywhere in life. Dreams are what make us special. They keep us looking ahead in life. If something goes wrong, then we can make another dream or fix it to make our dreams come true. If you do not believe that you dreams can come true, then they will not come true, it is as simple as that. You have to believe in yourself and your dreams to live a happy life. I have my own dreams, and I will try to make these dreams into reality. Everyone should believe in their dreams and make them come true!


Lent is a time when you give something up for God. I ended up giving soda up for Lent. It has been a bit challenging, but I have not broken my Lenten promise. I am pretty proud of myself. I usually do not drink that much soda, but giving all of it up for forty days, not even one sip, is a bit hard. I am determined not to break my promise even on Sundays. I am going to try not to drink soda even past Lent! I can not wait until Easter though! I love hiding the Easter eggs and then helping my little cousins search for them! I love Easter!

Monday, March 9, 2009

When I Grow Up

The golden question: What do you want to be when you grow up? I should probably figure out an answer to this question soon because the future is growing nearer. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up! I know that I want a job that helps people and makes me happy. I want a job that makes me work hard, but also gives me a life. I want to have a family. I would like a job with great benefits for me and my family. I really hope the economy will be better by then! If it is not, then I will just live in a box. I do not know what I want to be when I grow up!

Service Project

A service project I am currently working on is Snowflake at St. Thomas School. Snowflake is a day where eighth graders learn about being a good, fun person. They learn the evils of drinking and drugs, and they learn about caring about others. This project allows me to help younger kids learn about leading good lives. My class at St. Thomas did Snowflake, too. It was very fun! I really like this project. It is a project where everybody learns. I learned a lot and I got service hours, too! I have already completed twenty-five hours. By the end of my high school career, I will have completed seventy-five hours. This is a great project. It is worth the time and effort! It is my favorite project!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey was a radio legend. According to my source, Paul Harvey was the most listened-to radio personality in America and he was the number one personality in network radio. He was always interested in radios and news. Harvey and his wife went in to the news broadcasting business together. He worked for ABC Networks. He made some very powerful statements about many topics including war. He received many honors. One extremely amazing honor he received in 2005 was the Presidential Medal of Freedom, given to him by President George W. Bush. In 1992, the year I was born, he received the Toastmasters International Outstanding Public Speaker Award. In 1955, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame in Oklahoma, his home state. He was a very good, successful man. He died at age ninety on February 28, 2009. I hope a can be someone as great as him one day. I cannot say right now, but I hope I will follow my dreams and become successful and happy like Paul Harvey.