Sunday, February 22, 2009

iPhoto Project

The project my class is working on is the iPhoto project. It is fun, but it is hard to find pictures. I found a lot of good pictures, but they would not really mean anything to my name or my personality. I am going to use a basketball hoop for an 'I', and I am going to take pictures with my friends for some letters. My other pictures are going to be pictures with my friends. I have a lot of really good choices for my song...for a slow/soft song - "Dream Big" by Ryan Shupe or "Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot...for a fast song - "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga or "My Life Would Suck Without You" by Kelly Clarkson. Let me know which one I should choose! I can not wait to watch all of the presentations in class!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

November 28, 2001 NASA Picture

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download  the highest resolution version available.
Extra-Solar Planetary Atmosphere Detected
Illustration Credit: Greg Bacon (STScI/AVL)
Explanation: By directly detecting the atmosphere of a planet outside our Solar System, humanity has taken another small step toward finding extraterrestrial life. The unexpected detection by David Charbonneau (Caltech) and associates came from Hubble Space Telescope observations of Sun-like star HD 209458. As an orbiting planet crossed between that star and the Earth, sodium in the planet's atmosphere absorbed starlight at very specific colors. The planet,originally discovered two years ago, has about 70 percent the mass of Jupiter but orbits very close in. A long-term goal of this type of research is the detection of planetary biomarkers that would indicate life, such as oxygen, water, or methane.

I looked through many pictures on the NASA website, and they were all really amazing. I chose this picture because I thought it was interesting. It is about NASA's work to getting closer to extraterrestrial life. I think it would be awesome if we had some proof that there was life on other planets. There has always been that mystery of other kinds of life. I wish we could finally find some real proof. This picture is helping scientists get closer to the truth. I think the Astronomy Pictures of the Day are interesting, and I learned a lot from looking at them and reading the captions. They are pretty sweet!

"APOD: 2001 November 28 - Extra Solar Planetary Atmosphere Detected."
Astronomy Picture of the Day. 19 Feb. 2009.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Michael Phelps

The Michael Phelps problem is very sad. I used to think he was awesome, but then I found out about this. It broke my heart and probably many other hearts, too. Many people look up to him for a lot of reasons, but now those reasons do not really mean anything. I feel bad for the swimmers who looked up to him. They are probably in shock, especially the young swimmers. I can not imagine being a young swimmer and finding out that my hero did some very bad things. I would probably cry. I think it is very unfortunate that we had to hear about this, especially when the economy is bad. The media was right in telling us, but it really was not the best time to find out. Why can't people just do good things and resist the bad!?

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Foreclosure is when someone takes away someone's property. This is a big problem in our world right now. Some people are not able to make payments for their house, and then their houses are taken. I would be very upset if that happened to me or someone I know. I wish our economy would turn around soon. It is a very sad issue in our country today. So many people are losing their jobs and then they are not getting income to pay for their houses or cars or anything else. I hope Obama will try to help more. If he does not, then our country will fall. This issue is getting very bad.


Movies are awesome. I love all kinds of movies. I have not been to a movie in a long time, but I do have a lot of favorites. My favorite scary movie is Prom Night because it is really funny. It is probably the worst scary movie ever made, but I love watching it with my friends! My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid because it has singing, swimming, and mermaids! I will never get sick of that movie! My favorite "chick-flick" is She's the Man. It is the funniest movie in the world! It stars Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum! I watch this movie all the time and it never gets old! Movies are very important in our world today. They are a huge source of entertainment. I love movies!