Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Michael Phelps

The Michael Phelps problem is very sad. I used to think he was awesome, but then I found out about this. It broke my heart and probably many other hearts, too. Many people look up to him for a lot of reasons, but now those reasons do not really mean anything. I feel bad for the swimmers who looked up to him. They are probably in shock, especially the young swimmers. I can not imagine being a young swimmer and finding out that my hero did some very bad things. I would probably cry. I think it is very unfortunate that we had to hear about this, especially when the economy is bad. The media was right in telling us, but it really was not the best time to find out. Why can't people just do good things and resist the bad!?

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that Phelps should have been able to keep his Kellogg's endorsements or were they right to pull their support?
