Sunday, April 26, 2009


The Holocaust was a very sad event in our world's history. It should have never happened. These people that lived through the holocaust are very inspiring. They lived to tell the stories of what really happened. They had numbers put on their arms, they watched people burn, they watched people be hurt, and they watched people go into the gas chambers to die. Hitler must have been the craziest man in the world to do that to people. He had absolutely no right to do that. The people who do not believe that the Holocaust really happened are just as bad as Hitler. How can they not believe it? There is clear proof that the Holocaust happened: the people who lived through it.


I think gossiping is very wrong. It only leads to something bad, never good. The example was really good about gossiping. I hate when people gossip and I have to hear about. I am not going to lie. I have gossiped before. I am sure every teenager has gossiped. I feel bad. I think the person who created the gossip that is passed around should feel extremely bad for talking about something that they probably know nothing about. I think the priest should tell the girl to confront the person she has gossiped about. She should tell that person that is she is very sorry. The person will still be very hurt, but at least they will not be as hurt as they were before. Gossiping is wrong. End of story.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Disney Music Project

My Disney music project is going pretty well, but it is very difficult! I keep missing things on the rubric! I do like this project though because I love Disney music! I am choosing songs from old Disney music and new Disney music! I thought going from old to new would show how Disney has been growing since the beginning! I chose "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" from Cinderella as one of my old songs, and I chose "Best of Both Worlds" from Hannah Montana as one of my new songs! I am really excited for the final product! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Break

I had a fun spring break! I went to a movie with some people including Megan, Mary Beth, and Emily! The movie was terrible, but we had a lot of fun! I went to Chicago for three days! I went shopping at Woodfield Mall. It was a blast! My spring break was great! I wish it didn't have to end! I also went to a movie with Rachel! We saw Hannah Montana! Haha! It wasn't that bad, it was pretty good! My friend Rachel tore her ACL over spring break! It was terrible! She is really good at soccer, and tearing her ACL means that she can not play for the rest of the season! Ahhhhhhhh!! Spring break had its good parts and bad parts!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Now Or Never

I loved this project! It was really fun! All of the videos were great! For my project, I chose "Now Or Never" from High School Musical 3: Senior Year! I chose this song because I love basketball and I wanted an inspiring, pump-it-up song! (That probably did not make sense!) I used a lot of Dwayne Wade video footage. I used him in my video because he is my favorite basketball player! I put a lot of effort into this project and it came out really good! I was really proud of my final product! It was awesome! I can not wait until we do our final project! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Something Inspiring

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams...

This inspirational quote means that our dreams are very important to us. If you do not have dreams, then you are not going to get anywhere in life. Dreams are what make us special. They keep us looking ahead in life. If something goes wrong, then we can make another dream or fix it to make our dreams come true. If you do not believe that you dreams can come true, then they will not come true, it is as simple as that. You have to believe in yourself and your dreams to live a happy life. I have my own dreams, and I will try to make these dreams into reality. Everyone should believe in their dreams and make them come true!


Lent is a time when you give something up for God. I ended up giving soda up for Lent. It has been a bit challenging, but I have not broken my Lenten promise. I am pretty proud of myself. I usually do not drink that much soda, but giving all of it up for forty days, not even one sip, is a bit hard. I am determined not to break my promise even on Sundays. I am going to try not to drink soda even past Lent! I can not wait until Easter though! I love hiding the Easter eggs and then helping my little cousins search for them! I love Easter!

Monday, March 9, 2009

When I Grow Up

The golden question: What do you want to be when you grow up? I should probably figure out an answer to this question soon because the future is growing nearer. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up! I know that I want a job that helps people and makes me happy. I want a job that makes me work hard, but also gives me a life. I want to have a family. I would like a job with great benefits for me and my family. I really hope the economy will be better by then! If it is not, then I will just live in a box. I do not know what I want to be when I grow up!

Service Project

A service project I am currently working on is Snowflake at St. Thomas School. Snowflake is a day where eighth graders learn about being a good, fun person. They learn the evils of drinking and drugs, and they learn about caring about others. This project allows me to help younger kids learn about leading good lives. My class at St. Thomas did Snowflake, too. It was very fun! I really like this project. It is a project where everybody learns. I learned a lot and I got service hours, too! I have already completed twenty-five hours. By the end of my high school career, I will have completed seventy-five hours. This is a great project. It is worth the time and effort! It is my favorite project!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey was a radio legend. According to my source, Paul Harvey was the most listened-to radio personality in America and he was the number one personality in network radio. He was always interested in radios and news. Harvey and his wife went in to the news broadcasting business together. He worked for ABC Networks. He made some very powerful statements about many topics including war. He received many honors. One extremely amazing honor he received in 2005 was the Presidential Medal of Freedom, given to him by President George W. Bush. In 1992, the year I was born, he received the Toastmasters International Outstanding Public Speaker Award. In 1955, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame in Oklahoma, his home state. He was a very good, successful man. He died at age ninety on February 28, 2009. I hope a can be someone as great as him one day. I cannot say right now, but I hope I will follow my dreams and become successful and happy like Paul Harvey.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

iPhoto Project

The project my class is working on is the iPhoto project. It is fun, but it is hard to find pictures. I found a lot of good pictures, but they would not really mean anything to my name or my personality. I am going to use a basketball hoop for an 'I', and I am going to take pictures with my friends for some letters. My other pictures are going to be pictures with my friends. I have a lot of really good choices for my song...for a slow/soft song - "Dream Big" by Ryan Shupe or "Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot...for a fast song - "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga or "My Life Would Suck Without You" by Kelly Clarkson. Let me know which one I should choose! I can not wait to watch all of the presentations in class!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

November 28, 2001 NASA Picture

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download  the highest resolution version available.
Extra-Solar Planetary Atmosphere Detected
Illustration Credit: Greg Bacon (STScI/AVL)
Explanation: By directly detecting the atmosphere of a planet outside our Solar System, humanity has taken another small step toward finding extraterrestrial life. The unexpected detection by David Charbonneau (Caltech) and associates came from Hubble Space Telescope observations of Sun-like star HD 209458. As an orbiting planet crossed between that star and the Earth, sodium in the planet's atmosphere absorbed starlight at very specific colors. The planet,originally discovered two years ago, has about 70 percent the mass of Jupiter but orbits very close in. A long-term goal of this type of research is the detection of planetary biomarkers that would indicate life, such as oxygen, water, or methane.

I looked through many pictures on the NASA website, and they were all really amazing. I chose this picture because I thought it was interesting. It is about NASA's work to getting closer to extraterrestrial life. I think it would be awesome if we had some proof that there was life on other planets. There has always been that mystery of other kinds of life. I wish we could finally find some real proof. This picture is helping scientists get closer to the truth. I think the Astronomy Pictures of the Day are interesting, and I learned a lot from looking at them and reading the captions. They are pretty sweet!

"APOD: 2001 November 28 - Extra Solar Planetary Atmosphere Detected."
Astronomy Picture of the Day. 19 Feb. 2009.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Michael Phelps

The Michael Phelps problem is very sad. I used to think he was awesome, but then I found out about this. It broke my heart and probably many other hearts, too. Many people look up to him for a lot of reasons, but now those reasons do not really mean anything. I feel bad for the swimmers who looked up to him. They are probably in shock, especially the young swimmers. I can not imagine being a young swimmer and finding out that my hero did some very bad things. I would probably cry. I think it is very unfortunate that we had to hear about this, especially when the economy is bad. The media was right in telling us, but it really was not the best time to find out. Why can't people just do good things and resist the bad!?

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Foreclosure is when someone takes away someone's property. This is a big problem in our world right now. Some people are not able to make payments for their house, and then their houses are taken. I would be very upset if that happened to me or someone I know. I wish our economy would turn around soon. It is a very sad issue in our country today. So many people are losing their jobs and then they are not getting income to pay for their houses or cars or anything else. I hope Obama will try to help more. If he does not, then our country will fall. This issue is getting very bad.


Movies are awesome. I love all kinds of movies. I have not been to a movie in a long time, but I do have a lot of favorites. My favorite scary movie is Prom Night because it is really funny. It is probably the worst scary movie ever made, but I love watching it with my friends! My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid because it has singing, swimming, and mermaids! I will never get sick of that movie! My favorite "chick-flick" is She's the Man. It is the funniest movie in the world! It stars Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum! I watch this movie all the time and it never gets old! Movies are very important in our world today. They are a huge source of entertainment. I love movies! 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Random Music

I need to pick something There is nothing more random than music. I love all kinds of music. I like Disney songs, my favorite songs are from The Little Mermaid. I like sports songs that get me pumped up for games. My favorite sports songs include "Be a Man," "Now or Never," and "Right Round." I like country, too. Taylor Swift, Rascal Flatts, and Carrie Underwood are my favorite country artists. My favorite music is alternative/rock/pop...I have no idea how to explain the genre...I guess I would call it Rachel LaHood music. My favorite song right now is "All We Are" by Matt Nathanson. Music quote: "...and those who were seen dancing, were thought to be insane by those who could not here the music..."

President Obama

I was not all that happy with Obama becoming president. I decided that I would give him a chance though. Within the first three days, Obama made me mad. He was trying to pass a law that says that no doctor can turn away an abortion. I think this is the worst law. Many Catholic hospitals will close if this law is passed. Obama should not be allowed to do this. He is crossing the line. It is interfering with religion. He is also trying to reinstate a law that makes countries offer abortion to those who want it, if we give them money. Bush took this law away and just gave the countries the money. It is sad, but I miss Bush. Obama is off to a terrible start.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Golden Globes

"The 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards" is another awards show for us to watch celebrities walk down the red carpet and maybe get an award. I was extremely excited for it, that is why I missed it! I am being completely sarcastic. I do not actually care about awards shows. I do like Disney, so I was excited to see that Wall-E won "Best Animated Feature Film." Wall-E was a really cute movie! I am also happy that Heath Ledger won "Best Performance by an Actor In a Supporting Role In a Motion Picture" in The Dark Knight. I do not really care about the other awards, so I am happy I did not waste my time watching the awards show!